3:30-3:45p: Asa Bales Park (205 W. Hoover St., Westfield 46074; across from Westfield High School)
Prayer and Blessing of Families and Youth
3:45-5:45p: Eucharistic Procession from Asa Bales Park to St. Maria Goretti Church (17102 Spring Mill Road, Westfield 46074) Fr. Cole particpates
5:45-8:30p: Eucharistic Talks in English (church) and Spanish (parish hall) and Guided Eucharistic Adoration in St. Maria Goretti Church
Guerin Catholic High School minibuses will transport "Processioners" back to their cars Friday, July 12 -- taking people from St. Maria Goretti back to their parked cars at Asa Bales Park
6:00-6:45p: “Meet the Pilgrims” – following 4:30p Mass at St. Maria Goretti, stay in church to hear testimonies from some of our visiting “Perpetual Pilgrims” with a Q&A to follow before departing for St. Maria Goretti’s Italian Fest just outside the church.
10:00a: Mass at St. Maria Goretti Church with Bishop Timothy L. Doherty
12:00-2:00p: Eucharistic Procession from St. Maria Goretti Church to Our Lady of Mount Carmel (14598 Oak Ridge, Rd., Carmel 46032)
Guerin Catholic High School minibuses will transport "Processioners" back to their cars Sunday, July 14 -- taking people from Our Lady of Mount Carmel back to their parked cars at St. Maria Goretti.
Monday, July 15
Tuesday, July 16