4:00 pm in the Church (Livestreamed)
4:15 pm (PLC Gym)
(The Children’s Choir performs prior to Mass.)
5:30 pm in the Church
7:00 pm in the Church
Midnight Mass (Music 11:30pm) in the Church
9:30 am in the Church
(There are no other Masses on 12/25)
First Time Visitor?
Regular Visitor But Not Yet Registered?
We are happy that you are celebrating Mass with us here at Holy Spirit Parish at Geist!
Registration forms are available online at www.hspgeist.org/parish-registration
If you are Catholic, we invite you to become a member of the Holy Spirit faith community.
Simply complete the registration form and return it to Katie Klee in our main office.
We would love to have you!
Questions? For more information about our ministries and various groups at Holy Spirit,
visit www.hspgeist.org, or call our office at 317-849-9245.